i'm not a believer, but yes i "believe" in evolution. just like i "believe" in gravity.
to be frank, whether or not there was a designer that set in motion the spark of life, the evolutionary process ITSELF is generally considered a FACT.
this is a good topic, because i honestly knew next to nothing about evolution besides the slanted view presented in watchtower publications. i was never taught the theory in school. the simple truth is the earth is billions of years old, humans share a common biological heritage with many other mammals, and there is no way they were only created within the last 10, 000 years. common objections like "i'll believe in evolution when a chimp gives birth to a human baby" no longer hold water in today's age. the fossil record is there, as well as an abundance of evidence in other branches of science. people often simply cannot comprehend the immense timeline of evolution. when our sun becomes a red giant in approximately 5 billion years or so, humans will no longer exist. we will have evolved into something as different from us today, as we are today from simple bacteria.
"those who think the world began less than ten thousand years ago are worse than ignorant, they are deluded to the point of perversity." - richard dawkins
i would recommend richard dawkin's "the greatest show on earth" as a good starting point, especially for someone like me who has really had no experience studying it. the book is quite simple to understand, and a good beginning.